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  • ritikajoil1990

Ways To Make Micellar Cleanser A Part Of Your Skincare Routine

Cleaning up your face that is covered with makeup after a long day is probably the best feeling ever. But the process of scrubbing it all off your face isn’t very easy. We have undoubtedly tried it all from the wet wipes, to the baby oil, to lotions, to make this process simpler. But for those that are still on the lookout for a gentle makeup remover and those that are wondering how to get rid of excess dirt, we have found the solution – micellar water. But what exactly is micellar cleansing water, how does it work, and what are the benefits of micellar water?

Micellar water a liquid cleanser that is made up of tiny micelle molecules. These micelle molecules are soluble in water and attract oil. It attracts makeup, dirt, grime, and all the other particles that get accumulated on the face, thus leaving you with clearer and cleaner skin. The simple micellar water is very gentle on the skin and causes no damage. Here are a few ways in which you can incorporate micellar water in your skincare routine.

  • Makeup remover

This one is pretty obvious. The properties of the micelle molecules make micellar water and excellent makeup remover water. It gently cleanses and removes the makeup from even the tiniest of spots. And since it contains no alcohol, you wouldn’t have to worry about the stingy feeling.

  • Toner

The simple micellar water can also be used as a toner. It unclogs the pores and gets rid of all the dust and dirt from the face. And unlike other toners that are made up of oil-stripping ingredients, micellar water is gentle and retains all the moisture in your skin. You can begin your skincare routine with the application of micellar water.

  • Facewash

For the people who find a facewash too harsh, micellar water is made for you. You can use it to cleanse your face and you wouldn’t even have to rinse your face. Its nourishing and hydrating properties will leave your skin feeling better than before.

  • Clean your makeup brushes

This may sound odd, but why not? The natural properties of micellar cleanser are to clean a surface of dirt and oil. You can most certainly use it to clean the makeup off your brushes. In fact, this is an efficient way to ensure that your brushes are clean and safe to be used again.

Now that you see the multiple ways in which you can incorporate micellar cleanser into your skincare routine, you understand why so many women are getting hooked to it. And due to its gentle formula, you can use micellar water every day without any hesitation.

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